About Me

Hi there! My name is Caitlin and I’m a twenty-something year-old Australian girl who loves travel and animals.

My whole (extended) family is into travel so it’s really no surprise that I am too. I’ve been to some pretty cool places over the years, whether they’re close to home like Tasmania (my favourite place in the entire world) and New Zealand, or a little further afield like Canada, Sri Lanka or Southern Africa. I also love to share my experiences with others so I figure I might as well give this travel blogging thing a go.

I’m really looking forward to sharing my travel experiences with you, and I hope I can help or inspire some of you to go on your own travel journey!

Where I’ve been

All of the countries I have visited are highlighted in blue in the map above! Keen to learn more about a destination? Click on that country on the map! So far, content is available for China, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Southern Africa and Sri Lanka.

Follow me on Pinterest: @globalpawprints